Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Time Keeper's playtime

I am but a being of infinity. I exist in every aspect of reality, the fabric of time is my playground, the universe you know is but one of a few that I roam. I am a being of infinite possibilities that your current psyche cannot fully comprehend. Even if you try to understand what kind of being am I, the end result will leave you branded as a crazy person, that your own race will not even try to listen too and thus you will be sent to a place your race calls; an Asylum.

I witnessed your world shaped by you and you alone, well; I can tell you that there are some who visits, but I can tell you that you too don't even want to know. Ranging from the Great Wall of China, to the Pyramids of Giza, the sheer size of the Roman Coliseum, I have witnessed it all. Though it seems that they amazingly remained in your world, in another fabric of space and time, they were utterly and humiliatingly destroyed and erased from existence.

I have witnessed what you are capable of, from the founding of the Roman Empire, to it's very own violent downfall. I have witnessed the unification of China, I have witnessed the Golden Horde, I have observed the formation of the European nations from its roots. The rise of England, the global dominance of Great Britain, to the revolution of France that placed Napoleon to where I want him to be; the formation of the great French Empire, and I planned his fall in Waterloo. Well, technically, those are just one of many scenarios that I come up with.

I also witnessed the rise of the United States, I myself did not expect it, but it turned out beautifully and I let it passed and witnessed it's own destiny to be written. I have witnessed your great wars and I can tell you, I am sadden when I see you fighting each other. Why oh why in a tiny blue planet that is your only home, you choose to fight? certainly I can say that your own reality is consumed by greed and corruption, hate and dismay. I was sad at your current track so I tried to steer you guys away, but with all of my gifts and my powers, I have failed. I was destroyed when you killed me in my attempt of changing the world, from that point on, I was convinced that I cannot steer you away from your own inevitable doom.

But my powers will save your mark in my mind for I chose to tamper and play with your race and your pitiful existence and remade you in multiple realms of reality in which, the possible outcome of the other will be the reality of the other. The defeat of one nation in your realm may be a victory in another plain. I know it is a bit confusing but, I chose to save you in the best way I can. And that is to play with you until I get the right realm of existence that I will learn to respect thus, saving the only thread of it I have for your race.

I have witnessed many other races in your realm and in others accomplish and managed to survive. Accomplishing their own set of goals which the greater being that created them tasked them too. I am glad for them, happy, but you; you petty race of Humans are a very hard one to handle indeed that makes my job harder even more. But since I am also a great entity of this universe, I am tasked to find out what kind of good can come out of you and I still believe that there will, but I heed you if nothing do comes out and only bad things happen that can threaten the existence of your realm, I am oblige to finish you off along with the rest of you in different fabrics of time.

And with this, I still consider it playing, because I am still young, well I chose to be, because I am a being of Immortality, and I am Clockwork, keeper of time and existence.