Walking in wilderness, of limitless nothingness.
Without sleep, without water, without a single rest,
But for uncertainty tells, and for dubious feelings,
I do not feel any burden at hand.
Time passes by me, anxiously painful, slowly.
Everything was a complete nothing, for I do not lay upon a single soul.
I was alone, in an eternity of void.
Nothing to do, nothing to see, but the radiance of the great jewel.
All I figured was, I have endless time.
To use for things that I still do not know,
that I still didn't come up with, and slowly I began to feel sensation,
and I was slowly feeling a familiar sentient.
I slowly enter a dark plain, without anything to be seen,
and slowly light shines from the seemingly boundless black,
and familiar figures starts to show up, I was in my morning lecture.
Terribly, terribly, bored...